New Features

Multi-select in Blockly : Implemented multi-select functionality in Blockly, allowing users to select multiple blocks at once for bulk actions (e.g., delete, move). Multi-select is activated using the “Shift” key.

Unique Program Name Enforcement : Programs must now be saved with unique names to allow or prevent overwriting existing programs.


Fixed : An error preventing PyNiryo dependencies installation during startup.


Fixed : The Retry block was allowing multiple instructions but was only processing the first. Additionally, nested Retry blocks were not functioning correctly.

Fixed : Resolved discrepancies between analog input values displayed in Equipment and Blockly. Both views now show consistent values.

Fixed : When creating a new empty Blockly program, previous code was being saved. This is now fixed to ensure empty programs are saved without old code.


Fixed : The list of programs in “Open Program” was sorted from oldest to newest. It is now fixed to show programs in reverse chronological order.