Unpacking and robotics: a robot at the beginning of the production line?

Last months, we wrote about packing and one of its feature, mixing, so it was all natural to write an article about another important logistical task: unpacking. What is unpacking? In the industrial field, unpacking corresponds to any task consisting in removing a product from its packaging. This manipulation allows the supply of a production […]

Discover robotics with our curriculum !

  Are you a student? A teacher? A researcher? You are into robotics and would like to learn concrete uses of robots in a very accessible way?  At Niryo, we want to give you the opportunity to get a complete solution, by providing you with free curriculums that will help you through the application of […]

5 benefits of using Python in robotics

We often hear debates about which programming language is better to be used for robotics. While there’s usually no “One Best Way”, Python is a major figure in the field of robot programming and can’t be ignored. Today, Python is considered as one of the most popular of high-level programming languages. It allows roboticists to […]

How to learn robotics with Raspberry Pi (1/2)

You want to start learning robotics and do really cool stuff by making your robot clever ? Raspberry Pi boards and robots are close to achieve the perfect match. In the future, many accessible robots will embed a Raspberry Pi board (or a similar board) to provide great functionalities for a good price. A Raspberry […]

Accessibility to robotics, five years later.

In 2016, we wrote one of our first blog articles about robots’ accessibility. The observation, which was the reason why Niryo has been created, was alarming: getting access to robots is difficult as robots are expensive, take a lot of space, the programming languages are very specific and need important knowledge. Learnings are mostly theoricals […]

Create a Multi-Robot Production Line with collaborative robots

How to simulate a production line in multi-robot (threading)? In this article, you will learn how to use two or more Ned2 in order to create a production line. Which devices are needed to operate this feature? You’ll need two Ned2, the vision set and its workspace, the large gripper, the vacuum pump, some pawns […]

Ubuntu: enabling innovation in robotics research and education in 4 ways

As the world keeps on growing ands sophisticating, technology has become a critical tool for learning. Among all the most powerful tools for learning is Ubuntu, an operating system that offers a range of benefits for students and teachers alike. What is it? Ubuntu is a free and open-source operating system based on the Linux […]

Robotics and web applications

Robotics and web technologies start to work together. Robotics is becoming more open, thanks to a lot of open source projects for example, and web is adapting for more advanced use cases (Web is not only surfing on Html pages like it was 20 years ago !). So… How can robotics benefit from web technology […]

Different ways to control Ned

Ned is the perfect partner allowing you to learn robotics, the different programming languages as well as the different uses that you can make from a cobot in the frame of industry 4.0.  As the robot is based on open-source technologies, you can control it the way you want, programming it by yourself, making it […]