
  • Implemented NED3 hardware changes into the niryo_robot_rpi package
  • Added support for NED3 calibration
  • Added support for the conveyor with NED3 stepper motor
  • Added support for vacuum pump v2
  • Added velocity and acceleration profiles for vacuum pump v2
  • Updated the robot’s URDF to follow the Denavit-Hartenberg convention
  • Introduced new Pose and JointsPosition classes
  • The /niryo_robot_arm_commander/robot_action action server now handles both old and new TCP versions using the tcp_version field in ArmMoveCommand.msg
  • Updated niryo_robot_poses_handlers grip files to align with the new TCP orientation
  • Added pose_version and tcp_version to NiryoPose.msg
  • New generic classes designed to represent data:
    • JointsPosition
    • JointsPositionMetadata
    • Pose
    • PoseMetadata
  • New functions in niryo_robot_poses_handlers/transform_functions: convert_legacy_rpy_to_dh_convention() and convert_dh_convention_to_legacy_rpy()
  • Added new functions to ros_wrapper.NiryoRosWrapper that can take either Pose or JointsPosition objects:
    • move, replacing move_joints, move_pose, and move_linear_pose
    • jog_shift, replacing jog_joints_shift and jog_pose_shift
    • pick, replacing pick_from_pose
    • place, replacing place_from_pose
    • execute_trajectory, replacing execute_trajectory_from_poses and execute_trajectory_from_poses_and_joints
    • compute_trajectory, replacing compute_trajectory_from_poses and compute_trajectory_from_poses_and_joints
  • Updated tool translation transforms to match the new TCP orientation
  • Added hardware ID to the conveyors (v2 and v3)
  • The new robot pose is now published on /niryo_robot/robot_state_v2 for compatibility with older NiryoStudio versions
  • The new relative robot pose is published on /niryo_robot_poses_handlers/relative_pose_v2 for compatibility with older NiryoStudios
  • Added a service to retrieve the conveyor hardware ID to differentiate between v2 and v3 models, service name: /niryo_robot/conveyor/get_hardware_id
  • Added services for forward and inverse kinematics using the new TCP convention (Z-axis pointing forward)
  • Added a ROS wrapper function to get forward kinematics using the new TCP convention (Z-axis pointing forward)
  • Introduced a new ROS topic /niryo_robot_tools_commander/tcp_v2, which publishes the transform from hand_link to the TCP following the new TCP convention
  • Adjusted robot’s pose limits for NED3 to match its reachability
  • New ethernet mode: auto
    • Automatically detects if the robot is connected to a DHCP network; switches to DHCP mode if detected, otherwise defaults to IPV4LL mode


  • Used the I/O panel version instead of the robot hardware version to differentiate implementations
  • Created a set of gpio_expander_adapters classes to handle GPIOs similarly to how MCP IOs are handled
  • Updated the DACx0501 driver
  • NiryoRosWrapper.vision_pick now accepts an optional observation pose (obs_pose)
  • Added speed limit percentage for the conveyor
  • When a tool stops moving, a position-holding command is sent instead of resending the max position command, significantly reducing temperature rise
  • Updated Dynamixel PID for axes 4 to 6

Bug Fixes

  • Stopping a program now sends SIGTERM, followed by SIGKILL after 3 seconds if the program doesn’t exit gracefully
  • Grasp and release actions now use feedback to determine completion rather than stopping after a fixed time
  • Debounced emergency stop resume to avoid resuming on small 12v spikes
  • Renaming a dynamic frame now also updates its name in the transform
  • Fixed NiryoRosWrapper.get_workspace_list to no longer return an error
  • The TCP server’s __send_answer_with_payload now encodes the payload only if it’s not already encoded
  • Fixed intermittent delay in the control loop caused by a ROS spinOnce call
  • Fixed a bug causing the FirmwareUpdater to crash when the end effector version was not set