Ned3Pro automates repetitive tasks for many industries. A plug&play solution to enhanced productivity everywhre for anyone.
Simplify automatisation with desktop robotics arms.
Ultra-intuitive software to use robotics as an expert
Discover our E-learning platform to teach and improve student skills throught robotics
Integrate our hardware easily and fast thansk to our engineers from A to Z.
Media Center Director
Medienzentrum des Landkreises Harburg
Président et Teacher
AIMS Community College
Robotics Teacher
Bourgogne University
Electricity professor
Léon Chiris High School
Robotics Teacher
Newton College
If you want to know more about our desktop robotics arm solution, join our team or just write something nice to us, feel free to reach us !
Monday – Friday : 10 AM – 4 PM (Paris time) (Please reach us before to book a tour)