169,00 €
This gripper has 3D printed jaws that are screwed and mounted on the end effector.
In order to offer you a complete flexibility, we can provide you STL files to 3D print and screw the jaws according to your use case!
169,00 €
169,00 €
Easy and intuitive Robotic programmation app.
Through Freemotion, blockly, Python or C++, program and explore all potential of your robots
Training platform with exclusive Niryo educational content. Discover a library of resources to teach and practise robotics for everyone.
6 steppers motor to make your companion shine for multiple applications. Programming, pick & place, Industry 4.0 concept,
Width: 77mm
Depth: 39,30mm
Height: 104mm
Monday – Friday : 10 AM – 4 PM (Paris time) (Please reach us before to book a tour)