Different ways to control Ned

Ned is the perfect partner allowing you to learn robotics, the different programming languages as well as the different uses that you can make from a cobot in the frame of industry 4.0.  As the robot is based on open-source technologies, you can control it the way you want, programming it by yourself, making it […]

How to learn robotics with Raspberry Pi (2/2)

In the previous post, we gave you an overview of how to learn robotics with Raspberry Pi, so you can know what is Raspberry Pi, and which board to choose. In this post, we’ll show you what you need to do to actually learn robotics with Raspberry Pi. Ready ? Let’s go :   Installing […]

Why you should use 3D printing to build your robot?

You want to build robots, but you wonder how on earth could you create one by yourself ? You think creating robots is only possible for big industrial companies, with thousands of people and machines ? Well, this could’ve been the case 30 years ago, but not anymore. Nowadays, all you need is a home […]

How to learn robotics with Arduino

Robotics is such an exciting and growing field. Many people want to learn how to make robots, but sometimes it is hard to know where to start. If you are starting from scratch, or if you already know some electronics and programming concepts, learning robotics with Arduino is a good idea. It will give you […]

Perform simple pick and place with a collaborative robot

This article will help you discover one of the multiple applications of Ned2 along with the Vision Set. We’ll start with an easy process : how to pick an object from a working area and conditioning it in a packing area. Before we start, first, make sure you are familiar with Python, Ned2, the Vision […]

What would you use a personal robot for ?

Robots are already everywhere. A computer is a robot, a TV is a robot, a cooking machine is a robot… Here we’ll speak about more advanced robots, that can do many things, and be more “intelligent” than a simple vacuum cleaner. Imagine that you can get a nice little personal robot, which can grasp things, […]

Learn robotics with our ecosystem

Robots first appeared in the industrial field almost 60 years ago. Since then, industrial robotics has evolved considerably and offers today unequalled precision, speed and repeatability.  However, it is still very complex to set up and its action is minutely measured and therefore not very flexible. In recent years, collaborative robotics has emerged, allowing the […]

The uses of robotics within the industry: Pick&Place

What is the Pick&Place?  Pick&Place refers to the action of a robot to pick up, move and place an object. As this task is very simple, it can be found in many areas. From personal assistance to industry and research centers, the robotic Pick&Place is more and more present to relieve man from repetitive tasks. […]

How to learn robotics with ROS

You want to start learning robotics by the programming way, but you don’t know where to start ? Robotics is huge, there are so many things to do and to learn. It can be quite discouraging to see everything you can do, but only to start learning by programming a LED to blink. We have […]

8 reasons why you should use ROS for robotics projects

You already know some programming and how to use a terminal, and you want to get into robotics. Or you are making the specs for an entire new robotics project. And… You don’t know if you should use ROS or not. ROS, which means Robot Operating System, is a set of software libraries and tools […]