
How to update Ned2

This version is designed to improve the performance, stability and overall user experience of your Ned2.
From now on it's considered our robot's new operating system for future improvements.

after this last manual update you can update the next ones directly from NiryoStudio.

Step 1

Backup your files

Before updating, please make sure you have downloaded all programs, trajectories, etc…
from your robot to your computer. To do so, you have 3 possibilities:

First Possiblity

Form previous version of Niryo Studio,
you can go to your program list and download all your previous programs

Second Possiblity

You can download all your robot files via ssh before removing the SD card
by using this command:


					scp -r niryo@[Your_robot_IP_Adress]:niryo_robot_saved_files [Your destination folder]
Third Possiblity

You can remove the SD card from your robot and download all your saved files from the Writable partition on your computer following this

					root: writable/home/niryo/niryo_robot_saved_files
or usea terminal command.
Step 2

Flash your Ned2 SD card

To complete this tutorial, you will need:
The smallest Allen key
The microSD-to-USB adapter from the bag supplied with your robot.

Step 2.1
Remove the micro SD from the raspberry PI
Step 2.2
Get the latest Ned2 Raspberry Pi 4 image
Download the image on the download center page.

This way, you’ll guarantee that you’ll get the latest version.
Use any pre-installed software (or install any of them) to extract the archive.


The size of the image is about 5 GB.

Step 2.3
Flash the microSD card with the downloaded image

Plug the microSD card (with the adapter) to your computer.

You need a software in order to flash the image into your microSD card. We recommend you to use Etcher, which is easy to use and
Windows/MacOS/Linux compatible.

Launch the software (no installation needed, just unzip and click on the executable inside the folder), select your image (make sure to select the unzipped image, not the archive), select your microSD card and click on “Flash!”.

This may take several minutes.

Step 2.4
Put the microSD card back in the Raspberry

Once flash is completed, remove the microSD card and put it back into the Raspberry Pi 4 board, where you’ve removed it in step 1 of this tutorial.

Then launch the robot to test if everything is OK.
If the first boot is taking longer than expected (2-3 minutes)
please reboot your robot to re-initiate the upgrade process.

Note :

Once the update is done, in case you encounter compatibility issues with NiryoStudio , please update the app. to the latest version available.

After this upgrade your robot will be available by default in hotspot mode or in Ethernet mode (DHCP).

Enjoy with Niryo Studio2

Version 1.0.0 - Only for Ned2 with 5.3.0 version and higher
Release note
Please note that all next updates will be available directly from the app. Enjoy!