BETT 2022 : Interaction or lesson, we don’t have to choose anymore

On March 23-25, 2022, Niryo’s team attended the Bett show, the event that reunites the global education community in London. They showcased Ned2, an innovative robotics arm for education. It was also the opportunity to talk about education and technology (EdTech), to discover new trends after two years of pandemy. The Bett show focused on interaction as the new key of education. Let’s see why.

EdTech : educational alternatives unveiled by COVID19

Since the beginning of the pandemy, we had to find creative ways to teach, learn and progress without forgetting the challenge of lack of communication it can bring. The BETT show revealed how companies bring solutions to these problematic situations.

First, grab the attention of students

Lecturing was (and might still be) the most commonly used teaching method because of the convenience of conveying information to a group of learners with limited resources. But we, as a tech company, have a couple of ideas to change it. Let’s talk about education and robotics, one of our favorite subjects.

During BETT, we identified 3 educational focus points:

  1. Supporting teachers
  2. Simplifying education
  3. Supporting students and pupils with disabilities

But how?

Robotics: educational success made easy

Most of the time, robotics students could not learn on robots due to the complexity of industrial robots and their financial costs. Our first goal was to democratize robotics. We create accessible robotics arms both in terms of cost and learning curve. With Niryo, educational institutions can get several robotics arms and let students learn by testing, failing, improving and succeeding.

Curiosity, the best skill to learn ?

BETT also showed us that students are curious and love new technologies. Teachers understood that and they now use more tools than ever to grab the attention of students. At the BETT show, our team saw several innovative ideas that drew our attention :

  • Smart board, the idea that is going to end the sad black board – with SmartTech
  • Coding platform that allows for real-time collaboration and multiplayer games – with Progummy
  • Game-based augmented learning for a fun, social and engaging experience – with LeelooLXP

French companies truly understood the importance of interaction and curiosity too, with 19 startups that provide EdTech solutions:

  • Cantoo
  • Corneille
  • Easytis
  • EvidenceB
  • KDetude
  • Prof en poche
  • Klassroom
  • LeelooLXP
  • Ludo-vic
  • Mobidys
  • Nomade Education
  • Reenbow
  • Short Edition
  • Speedernet Sphere
  • Pix
  • Niryo

Technology to augment the skills of people with disabilities

One of the focuses we truly appreciated at the Bett show was on disabilities, a theme that matters for Niryo.

We had a look at efforts for making way for better identification of learning needs, better innovation in assistive technology, and more inclusion in the classroom. Some companies, as OliToo, have developed buttons that are in different colors and different shapes. The goal is that children with vision disorders can locate them without looking. When children press a button, it buzzes to indicate a message has been sent.

Niryo at the Bett show 2022 : a complete success

The past 3 days have been a complete success for Niryo’s team. The BETT show was the occasion to meet our customers and talk about new functionalities and expectations.
Customers and distributors were enthralled with the new educational robotics arm Ned2: more powerful, faster, Ned2 is also a step ahead with a Human-to-Machine Interface that allows everyone to use it.

Teachers and students agree on this : cobotics arms are the solution to more interaction and progress in robotics.

On March 23-25, 2022, Niryo’s team attended the Bett show, the event that reunites the global education community in London. They showcased Ned2, an innovative robotics arm for education. It was also the opportunity to talk about education and technology (EdTech), to discover new trends after two years of pandemy. The Bett show focused on interaction as the new key of education. Let’s see why.

EdTech : educational alternatives unveiled by COVID19

Since the beginning of the pandemy, we had to find creative ways to teach, learn and progress without forgetting the challenge of lack of communication it can bring. The BETT show revealed how companies bring solutions to these problematic situations.

First, grab the attention of students

Lecturing was (and might still be) the most commonly used teaching method because of the convenience of conveying information to a group of learners with limited resources. But we, as a tech company, have a couple of ideas to change it. Let’s talk about education and robotics, one of our favorite subjects.

During BETT, we identified 3 educational focus points:

  1. Supporting teachers
  2. Simplifying education
  3. Supporting students and pupils with disabilities

But how?

Robotics: educational success made easy

Most of the time, robotics students could not learn on robots due to the complexity of industrial robots and their financial costs. Our first goal was to democratize robotics. We create accessible robotics arms both in terms of cost and learning curve. With Niryo, educational institutions can get several robotics arms and let students learn by testing, failing, improving and succeeding.

Curiosity, the best skill to learn ?

BETT also showed us that students are curious and love new technologies. Teachers understood that and they now use more tools than ever to grab the attention of students. At the BETT show, our team saw several innovative ideas that drew our attention :

  • Smart board, the idea that is going to end the sad black board – with SmartTech
  • Coding platform that allows for real-time collaboration and multiplayer games – with Progummy
  • Game-based augmented learning for a fun, social and engaging experience – with LeelooLXP

French companies truly understood the importance of interaction and curiosity too, with 19 startups that provide EdTech solutions:

  • Cantoo
  • Corneille
  • Easytis
  • EvidenceB
  • KDetude
  • Prof en poche
  • Klassroom
  • LeelooLXP
  • Ludo-vic
  • Mobidys
  • Nomade Education
  • Reenbow
  • Short Edition
  • Speedernet Sphere
  • Pix
  • Niryo

Technology to augment the skills of people with disabilities

One of the focuses we truly appreciated at the Bett show was on disabilities, a theme that matters for Niryo.

We had a look at efforts for making way for better identification of learning needs, better innovation in assistive technology, and more inclusion in the classroom. Some companies, as OliToo, have developed buttons that are in different colors and different shapes. The goal is that children with vision disorders can locate them without looking. When children press a button, it buzzes to indicate a message has been sent.

Niryo at the Bett show 2022 : a complete success

The past 3 days have been a complete success for Niryo’s team. The BETT show was the occasion to meet our customers and talk about new functionalities and expectations.
Customers and distributors were enthralled with the new educational robotics arm Ned2: more powerful, faster, Ned2 is also a step ahead with a Human-to-Machine Interface that allows everyone to use it.

Teachers and students agree on this : cobotics arms are the solution to more interaction and progress in robotics.