Niryo, award winner of the 21st edition of the i-Lab competition!

In accordance with its support for innovative companies, the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation initiated in 1999 the i-Lab competition. This competition is a key project enabler for deep-tech entrepreneurs: it reveals the most innovative projects to which it potentially allocates financial support up to 600,000 euros.

For the 2019 edition, 468 companies applied in areas such as digital (mainly), software technologies, electronics, environment, chemistry and health. Only 75 laureates have stood among the 468 companies: Niryo is one of the companies rewarded!

Deep-tech projects supported by the French Government

Throughout 2019, the French Government has concretized the reinforcement of its public policy of support for projects described as “deep-tech”. “Deep-tech” stands for start-ups offering products or services based on disruptive innovations. This support from the Government is materialized by appropriately allocated funds.

For example, by endowing the Innovation and Industry Fund with 10 billion euros, the Minister of Economy and Finance has strengthened the resources of the i-Lab competition. These measures are also part of the so-called “PACTE” (for “Plan d’Action pour la Croissance et la Transformation des Entreprises” in French, meaning “Plan to Promote Business Growth and Transformation) promulgated on May 22, 2019, which aims to “give companies the means to innovate, change, grow and create jobs.” The law also facilitates the possibility of public researchers to move towards entrepreneurship and lifts barriers on the entrepreneurial approach.

The few words from Frédérique Vidal about the competition

According to Frédérique Vidal, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, “The winners of this 21st edition once again demonstrate innovators’ and excellence. Winning the i-Lab innovation contest is a great achievement that requires preparation, requirement, performance, teamwork. “

Keep in mind that the competition was very selective since on all the applications finalized in the National Competition, only 16% emerge winners, with a different weight by sector.

All the winning projects have a common point however: responding to issues of major societal interest. Indeed, the Strategic Agenda “France Europe 2020” puts forward priority axes of progress of knowledge and technologies with 10 big societal challenges. All laureates of the i-Lab competition are part of this strategy. As a reminder, this Strategic Agenda concerns research, transfer and innovation and aims to give back to research “its purpose as a main channel for creating knowledge and its place as a righting lever for the upturn of France. “

Niryo: rewarded for its research

In the category “Digital, Software and Communication Technologies”, Niryo distinguished itself for its work on its “Robotics-Services by Niryo” solution. Indeed, it is the first solution of Robot as a Service in the world allowing industrial contractors to subscribe an industrial handling subscription. By proposing a solution similar to the interim robotics of a future economy, Niryo keeps with what people need in terms of  flexibility and simplicity in our modern world.

Niryo has always positioned itself in the collaborative robotics market: a key market, estimated at more than 11 billion euros by 2025 … A visionary positioning for Niryo, for whom, the best is yet to come!