What would you use a personal robot for ?

Robots are already everywhere. A computer is a robot, a TV is a robot, a cooking machine is a robot… Here we’ll speak about more advanced robots, that can do many things, and be more “intelligent” than a simple vacuum cleaner.

Imagine that you can get a nice little personal robot, which can grasp things, handle complex tasks, communicate with you, and be connected to your home and to the Internet.

What would you use a personal robot for ?


A personal robot to help you at home

Tired to do some repetitive and boring tasks every single day ? Well, a robot could help you in many ways :

  • Clean anything automatically on a regular basis
  • Do the laundry
  • Cook meals with fresh food, or
  • Help you to cook, by cutting vegetables, mixing things
  • Manage the fridge and ordering food, with an algorithm to reduce waste
  • Give snacks and drinks to your guests in a party
  • Feed your pets when you are not at home
  • And many more use cases to create…

You love DIY projects ? Then you may know that some manipulations are quite difficult alone, and there are definitively some really boring tasks to do. A personal robot would make your life easier :

  • Hold a PCB board while you are soldering
  • Give you the right tool in the right time
  • Clean your workspace