Pick up objects from a conveyor using a robotic arm and stack them

We visited ELISA Aerospace an engineering school based near Bordeaux (France). We had the opportunity to see how this school uses Ned2, our 6-axis robotic arm. Find out how students carried out pick and place exercises and many other projects: Kapla simulations, order picking processes, test tube handling.

Pick up objects from a conveyor using a robotic arm and stack them

We visited ELISA Aerospace an engineering school based near Bordeaux (France). We had the opportunity to see how this school uses Ned2, our 6-axis robotic arm.
Find out how students carried out pick and place exercises and many other projects: Kapla simulations, order picking processes, test tube handling.

A robot for numerous exercises and case studies

Frédéric Dargnat, a teacher of structural mechanics, presented the 3rd year Bachelor students who took the robotic systems course.

Equipping the university with Ned2 robots served a very specific purpose:

“The idea was to create a robotic systems course that didn’t exist before this academic year (2023/2024). It was in this context that we discovered Niryo’s robotic arms, through our general manager.

Basile Dinety, Chief Financial and Infrastructure Officer, explains: “Mme Chantal de Turckheim, the school’s managing director, initiated a partnership between Niryo and Elisa Aerospace via Euratechnologies.”

“The purchasing process of Ned 2 educative robotic arm was done in two stages, last year we first equipped the campus in Hauts-de-France and then the Bordeaux campus this year because now we have courses built around Niryo robots.”


Playing with Kapla, working with test tubes and sorting objects by color with Niryo robots.

Frédéric Dargnat explains how the Ned2 6-axis robotic arms are used by the students:

“Our first case on which our students are working is the following:

They decided to create a system for stacking Kaplas, with each piece arriving on the conveyor, the robot grabbing it and setting up its Kapla tower next to it. They also created a device for turning the Kapla around, meaning changing its orientation.”

Mr. Dargnat also explained a second project the students had been working on:

“The idea was to handle test tubes with robot gripper. We have two stations, each equipped with a robot and 3 test tubes in front of them. We also unload the tubes, each time picking up the part and depositing it in separate containers according to color.”

Talking about the robots, Frédéric Dargnat explains, “The advantage of Niryo is that they’re small, accessible to students and very easy to teach. We have a system that is simple and easy to handle.”

“The simple fact of just going through a PC, having software that’s easy to install (NiryoStudio) and is relatively intuitive is ideal for us.”

Ned2 can also be customized: “We considered changing some of the parts: some students needed to use a pen to write on the board. They designed an element that allows them to grab the pen.”

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