5 reasons why 2017 will be the year of robotics

2016 was such a great year for robotics. A lot of progresses were made in various fields, and more and more people have started to realize how much robotics can improve work, education and life.

But that’s nothing compared to what will happen in 2017. This year, many ideas will be turned into deeds and real stuff!

Here are 5 reasons why 2017 will be the year of robotics:



  1. Cobots in industry

As we saw in a previous post, today’s industrial robots are far too expensive and not very user-friendly. This was quite normal until a few years ago, when new companies started launching what is called a “cobot”.

Well, what if we tell you that cobots are just getting started? You may or may not have heard of them, but this year you certainly will. Check out this post to know more about cobots, and how they are going to revolutionize robotics.



  1. Robots for everyday use

Cobots are changing many things in industry. But what about small businesses, schools, universities and homes? If you’ve ever thought that robots for domestic use are just something you see in movies, then get ready for 2017.

At Niryo, we want to be part of this revolution. For us, accessible means two things: affordable and user-friendly. That’s why we’ve put all our efforts into meeting these two requirements on our robot, Niryo One, which will be launched this year.

We’re also seeing others create robotics companies for the people, which is awesome! 2017 will be the year of accessible robots coming into everyone’s homes.



  1. Artificial intelligence will help robots stand out from the crowd

Artificial intelligence was one of the 2016 buzzwords. Individuals and businesses alike began to discover what it is all about and what they can do with it. So, after all the talk, let’s get to work!

Artificial intelligence is one of the biggest trends of 2017. Robots as we know them (pieces of plastic or metal with some electronic components) will become smarter. They’ll start to “sense” their environment to adapt their behavior, and most importantly, they’ll start to learn from their mistakes.

Although there’s still a lot of work to be done in this field, a number of advances have already been made, and numerous applications will ensure that robots stand out from the crowd this year.



  1. Software and cloud services around robots

As robots start to do interesting things (i.e. more than just vacuuming or mixing fruit) by being collaborative, accessible, and more popular, the need for apps to control these robots will increase in 2017.

First we saw the rise of the Internet, followed by web and mobile applications and services. 2017 is the year when robotics will meet cloud services. At Niryo, we anticipate that many companies will be created around cloud software for robots. Some projects (ex: Robot Web Tools) already exist and are starting to gain popularity, opening up many business opportunities. We’ll also be working in this direction, providing mobile and web interfaces to control our robot.

By being connected to cloud services, robots will always be up to date with the latest software version. They will continuously evolve to be better products, even after they have been purchased. Tesla is doing exactly that, which makes their cars more competitive.

After all the Saas software, let’s start with Raas: Robot as a Service!



  1. Drone services

Drones are now very popular, and are a perfect example of robots that have become affordable. In just a few years, drone prices have come down significantly, and have been used by companies, researchers, robotics enthusiasts and individuals for leisure.

Now that the market is starting to overflow with drones for everyone and every use case, some companies start to think on a higher level: “What kind of service can we provide in addition to drones to make people’s lives easier and better?” With this question in mind, they’re creating new products, such as drones used for movies or autonomous navigation.

Take Amazon, for example: they’re extending their service with drones, to offer a faster delivery service than ever before!


These 5 trends for 2017 show that robotics is just getting started, and will become one of the next big things in years to come. And there are many more robotic applications to come in 2017, we’ve just listed 5 of them here.

You don’t have to take our word for it, just wait a few months and see what progress will be made. Robotics is on the cusp of a revolution, and that revolution will begin in 2017.

Keep in touch for new blog posts! This year, we’ll be posting frequent new content on robotics news, tutorials and progress on Niryo One.