8 Common robots myths and misconceptions

In the vast landscape of popular culture, robots and cobots have captured our imaginations for decades, infiltrating our books, films, and even our everyday conversations. With their sleek metallic bodies, advanced artificial intelligence, and seemingly limitless capabilities, robots have become both the heroes and villains of our collective imagination. But how much of what we think we know about these mechanical marvels is based on fact, and how much is simply the fruits of science fiction?

Step into the realm of robotics, and you’ll quickly find a swirling vortex of myths and misconceptions surrounding these technological wonders. From fears of robots taking over the world to expectations of human-like emotions and superhuman abilities, the world’s fascination with robots has bred a host of exaggerated beliefs and misconstrued notions.

It’s time to separate fact from fiction and delve deep into the truth behind these captivating robotic beings.

Through careful examination and insights from leading experts and engineers at Niryo, our goal is to clarify and reshape your understanding of robots once and for all!

Are robots and cobots destined to take over our jobs, rendering human labor obsolete? Can they truly experience emotions, or are they merely programmed to mimic them? And what about the classic conundrum: will robots ultimately become our loyal companions or cunning adversaries? These questions and more await as we venture into the realm of robotic myths, eager to discover the fascinating truth that lies beneath the shiny surface of our perceptions.

So, fasten your seatbelts and prepare to embark on a mind-opening journey, where the boundaries between fact and fiction blur.

It’s time to dispel the myths, shatter the misconceptions, and gain a deeper understanding of the incredible capabilities and limitations of these mechanical wonders that have captured our collective imagination. Let’s dive in!

Myth 1: robots will replace humans and take all our jobs

If you still think that, then you’ve probably read some interesting science fiction books. Here are some that you will find interesting:

However, those and plenty of others won’t get close to reality. The truth is that robotization leads to a shift to less strenuous jobs with high added value.

Robotization revolutionizes work, shifting to less physically demanding tasks. With robots handling repetitive and strenuous labor, humans can focus on higher-value activities such as innovation, problem-solving, and creative decision-making. This transition enhances job satisfaction, fosters personal growth, and contributes to overall productivity and efficiency. The result: a workforce empowered for higher-value contributions in the evolving world of automation.

While it is true that robots and automation can perform certain tasks more efficiently, they also create new jobs in areas such as programming, maintenance, and repair.


Myth 2: speaking of programming, unlike robots, cobots are easy to program

Well, this one is not completely a myth. It’s true that a lot of cobots require a technical background. Yet, some others like Niryo’s cobots, are accessible for everyone, even those who don’t have a technical background, simply because you can teach your cobot the moves manually and monitor them through a simple application!

Myth 3: cobots are too easy to integrate into current processes and don’t require a dedicated IT department to maintain.

The ease of use is one of the key factors that make cobots so appealing to SMBs. However, unfortunately, for most cobots, it’s not the case. Well… Unless they’re Niryos!

Those do not require advanced degrees or expertise in programming languages. They can be programmed through a simple application or by physically moving the unit to “teach” motion.

In other terms, no matter what your major is, you’ll definitely be able to program a compact robot if you make the right choice.


Myth 4: unlike robots, cobots cannot be taken seriously for professional purposes.

If this was true, then how come cobots are being used in engineering school classes and in industries?

Contrary to misconceptions, cobots are being embraced for professional use. Engineering schools integrate cobots into their curricula, providing hands-on learning experiences for students and preparing them for the job market.

In industries, cobots automate specific gestures with precision, optimizing productivity and reducing errors. Their ability to work alongside humans enhances operational efficiency. Cobots challenge the perception that they are not suitable for professional purposes, proving their value in both educational and industrial settings. Their practical application dispels doubts, as they contribute to skill development and enable human-robot collaboration. Cobots reshape the professional landscape, empowering workers with their versatility and potential.

To explore the latest advancements in cobot technology and discover how organizations are leveraging workflow automation tools to enhance their operations, check out this link. It provides valuable insights into the role of automation in improving efficiency and streamlining workflows across various industries.

Myth 5: robots can think and feel like humans

No, robots do not have neither emotions nor consciousness, and they can only perform tasks and make decisions based on the algorithms and data programmed into them by humans. They operate purely on logic and do not possess subjective experiences.

If you’re convinced, try asking chatGPT if he has any:


Myth 6: robots are expensive

Actually, this one too is not completely a myth. Robots, as well as cobots, can be expensive.

However, advancements in technology have led to a significant decrease in the cost of some robots, making them more accessible to businesses and universities.

This reduction in cost has opened doors for companies that were previously unable to afford such investments. As a result, a wider range of industries and businesses can now consider integrating robots into their operations.

For instance, the Ned2 collaborative robot, priced at only 3999 euros, exemplifies the increasing affordability of these advanced machines. This lowered price point allows smaller businesses and startups to leverage the benefits of automation and robotics, enhancing efficiency and productivity in their processes. With affordable options like the Ned2, the barriers to entry for implementing robotic technologies are diminishing, paving the way for increased adoption across various sectors.


Can you imagine the increase of efficiency/productivity and the cost savings due to automation?

Myth 7: robots are not intelligent

Notice that even myths are contradictory. How come robots will take over the world yet they’re not intelligent?

In fact, while robots may not have the same level of intelligence as humans, they are capable of performing complex tasks and making decisions based on the data and algorithms programmed into them.

Indeed, although robots do not possess human-like intelligence, they excel in executing complex tasks and making decisions guided by their programmed data and algorithms. Their ability to process vast amounts of information quickly and accurately enables them to perform operations efficiently. Robots can analyze data, recognize patterns, and respond accordingly within their predefined parameters. By leveraging advanced sensors and machine learning techniques, they can adapt and improve their performance over time.

While they may lack human intuition or creativity, robots are valuable assets in fields such as manufacturing, logistics, and healthcare, where their precision, speed, and reliability contribute to enhanced productivity and streamlined operations. Their unique capabilities complement human skills, leading to new frontiers in collaboration between humans and machines.

Myth 8: robots are dangerous

Yes, until cobots showed up. Cobots are equipped with a range of safety features, such as sensors and force-limiting devices.

These features enable cobots to detect and respond to the presence of humans, preventing accidents and ensuring safe interactions. By continuously monitoring their environment, cobots can adjust their movements and force exertion to avoid collisions or harm. This capability provides reassurance that working alongside cobots is a secure and reliable endeavor.

So, no need to worry! With cobots in place, the potential risks associated with human-robot collaboration are significantly mitigated, creating a safer working environment for everyone involved.

In conclusion, debunking common myths about robots has revealed their true nature. Technology advancements have made robots more affordable and accessible.

While robots lack emotions, they excel at complex tasks based on programmed data. On the other hand, cobots ensure safe collaboration with humans in various settings.

Easy-to-use and cost-effective robots have fueled their widespread adoption. Understanding the reality of robots allows us to harness their potential for enhanced productivity and collaboration.

By dispelling misconceptions, we can embrace the transformative power of robots in shaping a more efficient and innovative future!