5 benefits of using Python in robotics

We often hear debates about which programming language is better to be used for robotics. While there’s usually no “One Best Way”, Python is a major figure in the field of robot programming and can’t be ignored.

Today, Python is considered as one of the most popular of high-level programming languages. It allows roboticists to quickly prototype and develop complex control systems. That’s one of the reasons why it’s been used a lot in schools and universities for robot and computer programming.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of using Python in robotics education.

1. Python: easy to learn, easy to use

If you’re new to the world of programming languages, know that Python is beginner-friendly. Its syntax is simple and understandable. This makes it simpler for developers to write code without stressing about complex, hard to debug syntax errors.

This ease of use optimizes both your time and your efforts. You will start developing robotics applications in no time!


2. A language that is free and available for all

Python is an open-source language, it is freely available and can be modified and distributed by anyone. This open-source nature allows the development of a vast community of developers who share their code, ideas, and knowledge. Imagine the number of robotics development frameworks you’ll have at your disposal!


3. Doubts? A vast Python library at your disposal!

Python has a huge library of pre-existing modules that can be used for robotics. These modules include computer vision, machine learning, and numerical computing libraries such as Pandas, OpenCV, TensorFlow, and NumPy. You’ll find tutorials and tips on how to develop robotics applications and therefore will integrate pre-existing functionalities into your applications.


4. Building prototyping lines in no time

The library we mentioned earlier will not only provide you with tutorials and modules, but is also ideal for rapid prototyping. You’ll be able to quickly build a working model of a system or a production line to test different functionalities. Developers love Python because of the ability to quickly build and test their robotic applications without worrying about the underlying details.


5. Python can be integrated along with other languages

We can all speak different languages, right? However, some languages are hard to learn, which can depend on our mother language too. It’s also the case for programming languages.

Python can easily integrate with other programming languages such as C++ and Java. This will allow any developer to leverage the strengths of other programming languages while using Python for rapid prototyping and development, and therefore build robotics applications that are robust, scalable, and efficient.

At Niryo, Python is used along with C++ and Matlab to program collaborative robots such as Ned2.

So yes, Python is the answer. It has helped a lot of developers thanks to its different benefits like ease of use, versatility, vast library and its ability to quickly prototype and develop complex robotic systems and efficient robotics applications. Will it be your choice too?

Want to know more about Python and C++? Check our detailed documentation and watch the following video.