Discover robotics with our curriculum !


Are you a student? A teacher? A researcher? You are into robotics and would like to learn concrete uses of robots in a very accessible way? 

At Niryo, we want to give you the opportunity to get a complete solution, by providing you with free curriculums that will help you through the application of the knowledge you can acquire in  robotics and industrial programming courses. These curriculum will also help those who would like to discover the Industry 4.0.

Free and available for everyone, these educational resources’ aim is to introduce you to fields of programmation, robotics and the industry of the future in a very simple, intuitive and concrete way. In order to discover robotics and the Niryo One, our 6-axis and open-source robot dedicated to education and research, let’s start with our Starter Guide. After this initiation to the Niryo One and robotics, you can discover how to control our robot with tools such as Blockly, Python and ROS.

How to control a robot with Blockly?

If you are not familiar with computer programming, we give you the opportunity to control the Niryo One with Blockly, a library developed by Google that allows you to control a robot in a visual and accessible way, even for beginners. Unlike a programming language, Blockly is made of blocks that you can put together to create a sequence that the Robot will be able to read and execute.

These blocks’ goal is to make the very first approach of programmation easier by avoiding to write scripts that need a very specific language and syntax. Easy as it is, using blocks to control a robot has become a reference to allow novices to discover robotics without any further knowledge of it. 

We wanted to provide even more than tutorials and videos on how to use the Niryo One and Niryo One Studio, so we created this curriculumin order to offer a concrete and educational resource about the Blockly interface of Niryo One Studio.

This curriculum helps you through the discovery of the Blockly interface,, on how to use it and its available functions. Once these functions are assimilated, you’ll be able to quickly prototype multiple industrial uses such as packaging, packing or assembling.

How to use the Vision Set with Blockly?

In the Industry 4.0, vision is required in many processes. Indeed, vision is now spreading in robotics as it is a real gain of time and capital: it improves the control and the processes’ automation. 

Moreover, it offers a real flexibility and fluidity in the realization of the tasks. Unless the robots without any vision set, robots are now able to accomplish a task on objects with various positions even if the robot was not set for these different positions. 

More than the detection of objects with the use of images detection and artificial intelligence, vision gives you the opportunity to automate processes such as quality check (label verification, packaging compliance…).

Thus, vision is absolutely crucial in Industry 4.0 and for Cobots as it boosts both productivity and quality.

We put at your disposal on our website an educational resource so as to discover our Vision Set, that makes the Niryo One able to detect and interact with objects placed on its workspace board, in a very autonomous way. Thanks to this curriculum, you’ll be able to discover one of our add-ons and use our desktop app while prototyping processes from the Industry 4.0.

Step by step, these curriculum show you all the possibilities the Niryo One is giving you. Now that you’ve discovered our desktop app, the Niryo One Studio, it is time to go further and start to discover how you can manage to control the robot with Python.

How to control a robot with Python?

Hugely used in the industrial field, the Python language is now unavoidable as it is ubiquitous in computing, automatism and robotics. Python is used by many renowned companies and organizations such as Google, the NASA or most of the technological titans.

Why is Python unavoidable?

We can easily answer this question: Python is an accessible language, versatile and multi-platforms. It is used in a multitude of fields such as in data science, video games, artificial intelligence, industrial robotics, cobotics…

This curriculum gives you an insight on how to use the Python API (Application Programming Interface). You’ll have the opportunity to develop algorithms and use themto command the Niryo One. For this feature, we recommend algorithmic notions and at least a little knowledge of Python language.

On our way towards Industry 4.0

In this educational feature, you will write your very first scripts to control the Niryo One. You can also find two exercises and a real practical case so you can dive into the industrial world by prototyping a pick & place. 

How to control a robot with ROS?

The democratization of robotics has created a real need for developing tools. Indeed, developers now need to focus more  on the implementation of tasks by the robots rather than on the creation or full modification of connected and complex systems.

ROS, for Robot Operating System, is an operating meta system, halfway between the operating system and a software development platform. It offers a bunch of computing tools which gives the possibility to develop softwares made for robotics. Acting as a middleware, it enables the communication between multiple robots, softwares and tasks.  It helps developers focusing on their projects. 

ROS is open-source. You can find a lot of tools and softwares made by the community for the community. It can help you find a solution to (almost) any encountered issue.

You can find ROS’ benefits here.

This curriculum has been thought to give you the opportunity to discover and take control of tools such as RViz and MoveIt that make you visualize and move the Niryo One. You can also find exercises to interact with ROS by using both lines of code and Python.

From education to industry, with Niryo

Niryo’s wish is to democratize robotics and support stakeholders towards Industry 4.0

In this way, these curriculum are made to support education, research and development on their way to this field. Genuine educational tools, these documents and exercises provide the assurance to be guided step by step, as it gives you opportunity to prototype real industrial processes from scratch through our Ecosystem made of our 6-axis, collaborative, 3D printed robot, its Vision Set and its Conveyor Belt. 

With Niryo, you’ll be able to find a complete ecosystem, such as a support, here to help you understand, in a very concrete way, the transformation now operating in this new industrial era that is Industry 4.0.

As Blockly allows you to discover robotics in a very simple and affordable way and Python to create scripts to control the Niryo One, our wish is to go further. Indeed, you’ll very soon be able to find new curriculums on our website, on brand new subjects such as MATLAB, image processing, simulation…